Do Not Support the Animal Liberation Front
Message to ALF supporters from “an anonymous liberator”.
This week I received an anonymous article, which I am posting below. It is signed “an anonymous liberator”. There is no way to verify the authenticity of the author as being a “liberator” or ever having carried out an Animal Liberation Front action. However there is a tenor to this article that is hard to fake.
This article calls out a particular type of person: those who exploit the risk and sacrifices of the ALF (and others) to increase their social status. Specifically, a subculture of keyboard gangsters who build a social identity around ‘supporting’ the ALF – motivated only by the image it builds and the social benefits of appearing “radical”.
This takes many forms, from ALF t-shirt-wearing by those who have never lifted a finger to help animals to “militant” blogs written by those who leave their computers only to go to restaurants or anarchist meetings.
The message of this article is long overdue: There is no such thing as “supporting the ALF”. The ALF doesn’t need “support” – it needs participation.
Unfortunately many will misread this critique of “support” as including support of ALF prisoners. I did not take that from this article at all. Instead, I read it as a call for a redirection of “support” – specifically, less cultivation of the image of militancy for social gain, and more actual action.
This is the article, in full:
by one anonymous liberator
The Animal Liberation Front is in desperate need of fewer supporters. It has far, far too many, and the madness has to stop somewhere.
The supporters are legion in their black t-shirts – tapping away at laptops, surfing crowds at shows, bussing tables at the local vegan eatery, distributing zines. Thousands of them share their support every day on Facebook and Tumblr. They post and re-post, like and comment. They are ever proliferating.
But, sadly, while all of this reaches new heights in the frenzy of the internet, the underground is largely at a standstill in the real world. ALF support, at one point a recruiting mechanism subservient to the action that it helped empower, has now become the main event. So, since it no longer serves its purpose, it is kindly but firmly requested that you abandon your support.
Take off your t-shirts – here is the wake up call. If you are able-bodied and you have built an entire social identity around ‘supporting’ sabotage and liberation, you are now required to go out and do those things. Your support will not be missed. You will no longer be able to hold on to the comfortable fiction that it ever mattered in the first place. And you will not be able to speak about your nighttime activities, so you will miss out on scene points.
But you will be able to relish accomplishments far more meaningful than anything you could ever do on Instagram or at a show. When you are old and your tattoos have faded, these memories will still be clear. You will be able to make a true and direct impact in the midst of a cold and vast system. And you will be able to look a creature in the eyes and save her life. For those who truly believe, it will be no sacrifice to change roles and take risks in order to keep alive this thing they hold so dear. It takes no specialized skill, only common sense and courage.
Perhaps, as a community, it is time for us to start changing our lifestyles through a new collective paradigm. If you are a self-identified ‘radical’ who spends their life going to work and watching movies with friends, the only thing currently separating you from the average American is ideas. This must no longer be acceptable.
We cannot explicitly speak about, and thus cannot socially reinforce, a culture of underground activity. However, we certainly can build a “culture of crime,” whereby we encourage not only disrespect (easy and functionally irrelevant) but disregard for the law. Jaywalk, shoplift, trespass, whatever – get acquainted with ignoring the rules as a way of life. Start in an area where you feel comfortable, get your friends doing it, and then put what you learn to use in the dead of night.
Accompany this with a culture of institutional privacy – encryption for casual conversation, proxy web surfing, releasing ourselves from the need to share every move we make on social media. While it is most important that individuals take action, these collective steps might be useful.
As for those who do not change, who continue to post their blogs or write their songs, they should not be given the respect or recognition that they seek. It is not respectable to align oneself in words with a phenomenon based on action. And when one gains social clout from doing so, it is parasitic, or at the very least cowardly. It contributes to an activist culture where such inaction is somehow a reasonable, even honorable, manner of behavior.
While others offer liberation and risk prison time, these individuals offer ‘support’ and risk too many high-fives. But those whose support is only as good as their own comfort can keep both.
Press officers, convicted operatives, and the disabled can continue to speak up for the ALF. If actions surge to an all-time high, but no one is sharing the news on Facebook, the animals won’t mind. They do not care about our theories, ideas, beliefs, or our drama. They are in desperate need of fewer supporters and more actors.
If your support for the Animal Liberation Front is genuine, it will end tonight.
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This is directed to Mr. anonymous liberator! Those are very strong words for someone who won’t identify him/her self. So I guess it’s gasoline versus keyboards! Personally I think you are living in the past and probably had someone type that flaming statement of yours for you. What is ALF? Is there a head of operations? Is there a chain of command? Who decides who is ALF and who is not worthy to be ALF? So now it’s come down to bashing the thousands of ALF supporters worldwide? How much time have you spent behind bars for your convictions and how do you know that those of us who have changed with the times and the same new technology that prevents ALF from working like they did in the old days before surveillance cameras, alarms and motion detectors have not done our time. Or should we post the charges and convictions online to be recognized as being worthy enough to support ALF. Understand the old days and old ways are over and there is a new breed of activists that get things done globally without taking a bow for their efforts. And who made you the spokesman for ALF in the first place? Anytime you would like to debate what I’ve just stated here you can contact the webmaster of this page for my e-mail address and we can schedule an open discussion in a chat room or on live internet radio. You do know how those platforms work? Where you so pompous 30 or 40 years ago when some of us began our rebellions? You might say that you have just started another fire!
Mystic Rebel
Of course, the first response to a much-needed call to action is indignant and accusatory. Not surprising.
Mystic Rebel, if this person is indeed involved in illegal direct action, identifying themselves would be absolutely foolish – and asking them to incriminate themselves is ridiculous at best and dangerous at worst.
I personally find this beautifully written and inspiring. I agree that making an identity of your support for radical action is really just about the least radical thing you can do. If you are unwilling to take action for animals, that’s fine, but don’t ride the coattails of the bravery and sacrifices of others just to look cool.
Thanks for posting this, Peter.
NO GOOD – NO GOOD – UNITY COMRADES – ONLY Unity – fame is bull shit – who gets the credit of what is bull shit – all who want to do any thing for ANIMALS should be UNITED – do not bite each other’s leg. only bite those who bite animals. I read some of that article and saw some gorups are opposing other groups – NO good – UNITY – God bless you Comrades (both sides of this childish argument) kick their butt. (animal abusers, not each other) We will wipe them all out under ground 5 billion of them in 2018
If I’m understanding the article, I think it has merit. It seems to be urging us to go out and liberate animals instead of talking about it and praising it. If I were younger I would certainly do it. But I am caring for my elderly mother now and can’t be away from her too long. But, as the article says, all the supporters of ALF who are able must go out and liberate animals. Just make sure you follow ALF’s guidelines.
Never jumped in on a comment thread before, but anyone who thinks this is in any way referencing prisoner support should re-read.
Sounds like some nit-picky, non-issue bullshit if you ask me. Peter, weren’t you given thousands of dollars from above ground support groups for being an ALF prisoner of war? Let’s all listen to the anonymously written blog post about how we shouldn’t be writing any more blog posts.
May I draw attention also to the poseurs who infiltrate the animal liberation movement in order to scare up support for “progressive” kook causes that have absolutely nothing to do with animals? I wish these liberals would find the “pride” to fold up their Human Liberation shirts and toss out their vegan cupcakes and stop accusing those who resist them of being “phobic.” Humans don’t need liberation, ANIMALS do, so they need to get with the program and cut the political crap.
Thank you!!!!!!!!!!! I agree 100 percent.
Of course it is preferable to act if you can rather than not but many have reasons they cannot, those peoples support by making direct action visible on the net and elsewhere..If no one had written about direct action anywhere many would not have thought of it..Some things I think stop people acting are their big investments in society..Having children [time consuming, not good for the planet, would make some people less willing to act..]living in a fixed abode..coupledom. The structures people choose to live although I agree action is best I think there are things that are far more problematic than armchair warriors..communication is essential however its done..
the truth is that we are living in times of unprecedented repression. you did prison time, mr. young. you should know the importance of anonymity. what this article is really saying is: we’re going to criticize you until you prove to us that you’ve done something illegal. but we’re not here to answer to you, mr. young. i, for one, appreciate what you’ve done (ALL you’ve done), but i don’t answer to you. i don’t answer to be part of your community. if you want to stay away from cops and thusly to stay away from prison the best way to do it is not to tell peter young all the illegal shit you’ve done. and if you’re going to criticize the people who support you, they’re just going to stop supporting you. and if you’re going to criticize people because you’re not sure if they’ve done anything illegal then you’re just… i don’t know… a dogmatic punk rock kid getting into middle age… have fun there.
Thank God someone has finally written this. This is exactly what needs to be said. To Louise: Family, job, relationship are all excuses to non-action. We all keep saying “no matter what it takes”. That’s not what I see happening. In the US, I see people not facing their fears and not risking their little world for animals. Look at what they did in Italy. There were so many of them that didn’t need to act in the dark. The animals are dying for us in record numbers. Our sacrifices can not even compare. Get real. Lets get off our butts and do something. Americans are cowards.
Mystic Rebel what bullshit. I was a member of the old group. It doesn’t matter what the technology, or how the world has changed, animals needs to be freed. There is always a way for those willing to take the risks. Exactly what are the armchair activist getting done globally? It’s not liberation that’s for sure. There is a place for every type of work in a movement. But lets call them what they are and they are not liberators. The risks are way different. I absolutely agree with whoever wrote this. Bravo to you
If I were in a position, here in China, to liberate some animals from a skinning farm and burn it to the ground then I would hope if i had that calling that I would. But where would those liberated animals go, and what about the ones that need medical care. Then theres a question of the now burnt down farm, an inconvenience but surely another will take its place.
The change has to take place in the hearts of the buyers of the fur, of the skinner, of the animal trainer, of the vivisectionist, of the eater of meat.
If there is a person wearing an ALF support t-shirt and he walks down the street to be noticed by a person who then, in a moment thinks about it, and from that thought becomes a vegan or stops buying firm trimmed jackets, or closes down his fur factory. So be it. For we all have our place. We all have our roles.
How many people have changed from watching Earthlings?
Be it a liberator, or a person handing out a leaflet, or a person making a song or a video in support. We all share the same thought, and its that seed of a thought that will grow, but it will only grow in light. The most damaging thing to our cause is the hatred, the anger the judgment between us.
Well said. That is the comment i can relate the best to so far. Attacking farms is useless if people don’t change in their hearts. Education is the key.
So eloquently written. I agree completely. Let us unite and participate in any way that we are able.
Any “punk” or “hardcore” scene had no direct impact on my desire for animal liberation whatsoever. In the mid-to-late eighties when I was a baby, I watched E.T., and my first inspiration for liberation was Elliot releasing all of the frogs from his vivisection class. I spent much of my childhood in love with Elliot and hoping to do something similar to vivisectors when I grew up. I was never allowed to attend concerts or musical events as a teenager due to my parents fear of strangers harming me, so I have to say none of my early activism had anything to do with that punk subculture at all. When I did get involved in protests and home demonstrations, I found the people who were a part of those punk subcultures to be very rude, unaccepting of those who are different from them, femmephobic, suspicious, and generally poserish. Sure the 90s birthed many good people from those scenes, but that doesn’t happen any more. When I was of age and attended a punk “show,” my boyfriend at the time urged me to wear darker colors or not a dress. When I attended an Earth First rendez-vous, this same subculture did things like make fun of me for having matching clothes while camping. I recall an o.g. activist giving a plant walk and me being so interested in all the plants when she left. I was wanting to talk about the plants with the people my age, but as soon as the o.g. left, all the people my age started doing was laughing at and making fun of the unique way in which this individual’s laugh sounded. Again and again, I found this subculture to be disempowering, stupid and mean. It wasn’t until I discontinued communication with them and began to isolate myself fully that I was able to blossom. I thought perhaps it was just the geographic region I was in, but when I moved to a new geographic region and looked for a room to rent on craigslist with that subculture, I found the same kinds of people in different cities. Once I recall one of them calling me “sketchy” on their twitter after I talked to them for like twenty minutes as a potential roommate. It’s pretty futile to try to fit in with these people unless you are a conformist looking only to make friends as the reason to get involved with activism. To any new activist coming of age and looking to make a difference in the world, I suggest avoiding these people at all costs. Life is kind of lonely going this route, but it is much better than getting made fun of at Earth First rendez-vous but lackadaisical shit-for-brains hipsters, it is better than being called sketchy on twitter after searching for a place to live, it is better than being asked by you loser boyfriend not to wear foofy dresses at lame punk shows, and it is better than having petty little heterojealous bitches viciously exclude you from their territory.
Jake Conroy clearly has not met many of the kids today. Furthermore, this article doesn’t mention prisoner support that he discusses in his response. If people really supported the ALF, Walter Bond and Kellie Marshall wouldn’t need to beg for donations on their blogs while incarcerated, because poseurs would use their expensive sandwich and t-shirt money to by them food, even if we don’t agree with Walter’s opinions. Additionally, most of Peter Young’s donations came not from punx, but from mainstream vegetarians and sexually deprived rich women.
Young activists who truly care for animals, you don’t need PETA to tell you what you’re wearing is appropriate, you don’t need a poser anarchist to tell you what you’re wearing is appropriate. Don’t listen to a damn thing any of them have to say. Your self-empowerment and independence will cause you to feel strong enough to help animals in whatever way you feel most effective.
“Young activists who truly care for animals, you don’t need PETA to tell you what you’re wearing is appropriate, you don’t need a poser anarchist to tell you what you’re wearing is appropriate. Don’t listen to a damn thing any of them have to say. Your self-empowerment and independence will cause you to feel strong enough to help animals in whatever way you feel most effective.” Damn right! Thank you for saying it.
amen. i fuckin love this. like you stole the words right out of my mind.
While I agree that direct action is important, I feel strongly that having a discussion about why people eat meat and who meat is, is something important as well.
Blogs like mine are hopefully helping people reflect on their own opinions and beliefs and making them question their lifestyle. If people don’t stop eating animals and things made from and by their bodies there will always be an endless supply of animals to liberate. We have to fight this from both ends — we not only liberate animals, we need to liberate people’s minds.
Every person has their own way for activism. Some choose to write blogs, others choose direct action, others choose to run for office, others choose to be vegan mentors, some are even a mix of these things.
The author of this letter has quite an ego, and maybe he or she has the right to it (if he or she truly is an ALF activist), but this doesn’t diminish the other forms of activism available to ARA’s. The author came across as rather snobbish, looking down their noses at the ‘lesser vegans’ for not doing as much as they would like them to do.
The ALF may not need any more support, but vegans and AR activists certainly do, and this post does the opposite of that. We need to support each other, not look down at each other and boast about whom is doing more for animals than whom. This isn’t a competition. I respect what the ALF does but there are other forms of activism that are of value as well.
Hello , je remarque depuis quelques années que de plus en plus de frères /soeurs veulent revendiquer ouvertement leurs actions ! ils recherchent la pubs , ou recherchent un statut, ils recherchent la reconnaissance personnelle vis a vis des autres mais , oublient la discrétion et oublient trop souvent que c’est un mouvement non armé ! PAS D’ARME pendant une action ou une manifestation pour ne pas blesser les animaux ni les humains , “n’importe quelle action” entreprise pour le bien , la survie ou pour sauver un Animal c’est déjà une victoire ………….. AMEN
Hi ,I note that in recent years more and more brothers / sisters want to openly claim their actions! they look for pubs, or seeking status, they seek personal recognition overlooked other but forget discretion and too often forget that this is an unarmed movement! NO WEAPON for an action or event not to hurt animals or humans, “any action” business for save a Animal is a victory ….. ……… AMEN
I understand the point of this article and agree overall however participation has to start somewhere. First there is becoming aware, secondly getting angry, thirdly making others aware, and so forth… eventually those who are serious will participate however it isn’t the easiest group to become a part of for obvious reasons unless you start your own group in your local area which is a valid action to take. Just saying not to dismiss those who start small. It all starts as a spark..
How can we help animals when we can’t even stop fighting each other? Anyone has a right to help animals in any way they can. Yes, there are those who self-aggrandise on the backs of the countless tortured beings and they are despicable, but there are many who just try as best they can to help animals and they should not be demeaned because they cannot take direct action. There is so much ignorance regarding animal abuse; the sheer volume of animal suffering that happens on a daily basis is largely excused as necessary and we need to expose what happens to animals in the production of food, clothing, medicine, entertainment, weapons – in fact, just about every aspect of our lives today depends on the exploitation and suffering of animals. If liberating animals directly is not feasible, then be an activist by distributing information, be imaginative and unafraid to ‘bend’ the law. We need society to accept the concept of animal rights as much as we need people who are prepared to risk everything to liberate animals. A war has many battles, many fronts, so we should all support each other if we want the war against animal abuse to be won. It is a war and anyone who thinks otherwise hasn’t been paying attention. Be a vegan, but by all means throw out the cup cakes!
Even if people supporting the struggle are only doing it to be cool or whatever they’re still Supporting the movement by exposing it to more people. I get the feeling that the writer is just an old guy wanting to gatekeep people for no reason. If someone wants to support the movement they can support it even if their was only one activist left support is never a negative thing