Bold Native trailer premier – first fictionalized A.L.F. film Mar21


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Bold Native trailer premier – first fictionalized A.L.F. film

(With the loss of computers, I am having to stack multiple updates. Please do not miss today’s important animal liberation prisoner update, just below this post)

Bold Native has received a tremendous amount of buzz in advance of its release. The film is a fictionalized A.L.F. story of a man being hunted by the government for animal liberation activity, attempting to orchestrate a massive multi-state action before being captured by the FBI. Most cast members are vegetarian or vegan, and the film is produced, directed, and edited by dedicated vegans.

I watched a sneak-preview of the film, and know this is going to take a special place in the movement’s history. While slated for a summer release, the trailer has just debuted. I think this one is going to be huge.

-Peter Young

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