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After raid, Montana fur farmer tells activists: “Jesus loves you”

The Richwine family declines comment on impact of raid, tells activists God is on their side.

In a Montana newspaper article this week, Kathy Richwine of Fraser Fur Farm told activists that Jesus loves them.

Anonymous activists took credit for entering the fur farm overnight on March 7th, and destroying breeding records. Fraser Fur Farm is believed to be the largest bobcat farm in the country.

Destroying breeding records works: A tacit admission

More usefully, she refused to confirm (or deny) that the raid had a significant impact on the farm.

From the Valley Journal:

Owner Kathy Richwine was able to confirm the attack, but would not confirm the significance of the destroyed records for fear of giving possible future attackers fuel for the cause.

Quite obviously, the only response that would “fuel” future actions would be one that confirmed what is already known: Loss of breeding records can be devastating to a fur farm.

Farmer cites biblical basis for animal abuse

When asked to justify to their captive bobcat operation, Kathy Richwine said:

…her family and the ecoterrorists have completely different ideas about the natural order of the world. Her world view is Biblically established, with humans having dominion over the earth and its creatures.

Oddly, she seems to believe God is on the saboteur’s side, and offered them this comforting message:

ā€œIā€™d tell them that Jesus loves you.ā€