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Activsts Take Credit for Oregon Mink Farm Arson

Received anonymously by above-ground activists in the U.S.: A communique taking credit for an arson at the Ylipelto Fur Farm in Astoria, Oregon (read the full story of this action in this morning’s post here.)

The full communique is as follows:

“We delivered eight incendiary devices to the lovely folks at Ylipelto’s Fur Farm, at 92659 Simonsen Loop Road in Astoria on the morning of July 27th. It is nice to see that the enslavement, torture, and death of thousands of innocent creatures affords certain people luxuries like boats, nice cars, and various (expensive, no doubt) “farm machinery, and we were more than happy to alleviate them of these. A careful attack sent structures up in flame both in the front and rear of the property, simultaneously. We hope that this can leave an impression on our friends, Veikko & Eeva, that making such a living off of the subjugation of sentient creatures (for something as selfish and disgusting as the fashion industry, no less) will not be tolerated. We hope that others ike them will also consider where their priorities lie (the nearby Wilkinson & Stunkard farms, to name a couple), and decide whether or not they’d like to be next. –Don’t think that you’ve be given a choice; your actions serve as your voice. “