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Leaked security alert #7: Farmers warned of “undercover activist threat”

The 7th in a series of leaked Fur Commission “security alerts” Animal Liberation Frontline will be posting this month.

Background: Animal Liberation Frontline has obtained dozens of internal fur industry “security alerts.” These bulletins are sent to fur farmers via email and fax every time there is a “security” related issue affecting US fur farms. The subject matter can range from trespassers being chased from farms, to unpublicized details of ALF raids, to farmers sharing license plate numbers of “suspicious vehicles.”

These are intended to be read by fur farmers only, and were not intended to be read by the general public. I will be posting approximately 30 bulletins over the next month.

Read a full background on this series here.

A synopsis of this alert

In 2011, the Fur Commission believed HSUS was seeking to obtain employment on a Wisconsin fur farm. The alarm indicated by this alert would seem to be a tacit admission that any employees would witness incriminating activity and conditions.

“Fur Commission USA
December 19, 2011

Undercover Activist Threat

Fur Commission USA recently received a notice informing us that Marianne Krist, an attorney for the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) has made inquiries to the Wisconsin Dept. of Natural Resources regarding fur farm regulations in the state.  She has a history of infiltrating and attacking animal agriculture in Wisconsin. In 2009 she entered a dog breeding facility under the guise of a local inspection, then wrote a scathing and misleading report on the conditions of the facility and the treatment of the animals.

We have reason to believe that animal rights operatives will attempt to gain access to a fur farm through either employment, or under the guise of an official inspector.  Farm managers should thoroughly screen all new hires – contacting each reference listed on applications. If approached by an apparent gov’t agent, DO NOT let them on the farm without first confirming their identity and the purpose of their visit with state or local authorities.  A genuine official will not dispute this course of action.  Do not let any cameras or video equipment on the farm under any circumstances, as activists will obtain and carefully edit images to disparage your operations.

Although we have heard only of this inquiry made in Wisconsin, it is entirely possible that the HSUS is making similar requests in other states.  If you hear of any contacts being made in your area, please inform FCUSA as soon as possible.

Please do not post this information to your website or social media such as Facebook, but we encourage you to forward this to other industry support businesses or organizations.

Check your security, and alert your employees and neighbors to be aware of any suspicious persons or vehicles in the area.   Report any unusual activity to law enforcement and Fur Commission USA

Distributed by,
Michael Whelan
Fur Commission USA