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Interview With Pair Accused of Attempted Mink Release in Iowa

Reposted from the Support Kellie and Victor site.

Interview with Kellie

What is your favorite food ever?
Kellie: I’d have to say my favorite food would be the delicious food our wonderful friends at The Vegan Yacht make. The Leftovers Sandwich in particular – warm field roast, tomato, lettuce, and cranberry sauce on olive ciabatta bread. So good!

What turned you vegan?
Kellie: I went vegan three years ago after being a vegetarian for a long time. There was nothing out of the ordinary that made me go vegan, it just felt right. I felt it was something I was supposed to do. I never transitioned into it, I did it as soon as I decided. After that I got curious about it and realized the horrors of the dairy and egg industry. I will never stop being vegan, it’s much more than a dietary choice to me, it’s a way of life and a call to action.

How did you get into activism?
Kellie: I got active in animal rights a year or so after going vegan. I would watch lectures and read various literature on the subject of animal rights and ethics. My principles became more clearly defined. I realized how important it was to make people aware of animal suffering because the animals couldn’t do it themselves.

What was your experience with the vegan food in the Iowa jail?


Read the rest of the interview Kellie’s interview, and the full interview with Victor, here.

And buy one (or many) of their new support shirts, to raise money for their legal case.

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